Saturday, 30 October 2010


According to Mrs. Waszelkowska from number 95, the council are going to put sleeping policemen all down our road. Well. The woman is clearly completely bonkers. I know this, because she's said strange things in the past, like once: 'I've had a horrible cold and now I'm a little horse.' , and other things I can't think of right now.
The mayor, Boris Johnson, (not to be confused with Boris Johnson the v. v. scarey bull terrier who lives on the estate further down our street in Hite Huse, has recently launched his big bicycle hire scheme. George is thinking of joining. This set Graham off on a massive rant.
'Oh yes. Absolutely. That's exactly what we need.....Six thousand more cyclists on London's roads.....barrelling along in their obscene luminous lycra, weaving in and out of the traffic...lining up in front of the traffic at traffic lights...Look at me, I'm saving the world... And that's another thing: who was the moron who came up with the ludicrous idea of painting a square with a bicycle in it right in front of the traffic at the lights so, when the lights turn green, you've got to crawl behind a whole flotilla of bicycles until they deign to move ever, ever so slightly to the left...Probably the same miniscule bureaucratic mind who dreamed up the forward-sloping-narrow-and-impossible-to-sit-on bus shelter benches....(by now, nobody was really listening) No, cyclists are a total MENACE . It's not the ordinary old-style cyclists I mind', he adds, 'the ones who trundle along slowley in the gutter; they're fine.. It's the boy-racers who actually seem to think they can go faster than cars....etc...etc. (He can keep this sort of thing up for hours.)
More Graham peeves:
1.Tennis players who punch the air and pull stupid, roaring faces.
2.Anyone who says 'At the end of the day'.
3. Anyone who says 'Basically.'

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